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Exhibitor Terms 2024

Exhibitor Terms and Conditions Statement


Terms and Conditions Wealden Times Fair 2024


Midsummer Fair 2024: Thursday 6th, Friday 7th & Saturday 8th June 2024

Midwinter Fair 2024: Thursday 14th, Friday 15th & Saturday 16th November 2024


Exhibitors at the Wealden Times Fairs are required to read the following regulations before making their entries. Acceptance of these Terms and Conditions will be mandatory on approval of entry to the Wealden Times Fairs. The regulations have been set out by the Organisers and with Hole Park /Midwinter Fair venue.


Definitions and Interpretation. 

For the purpose of this document ‘Exhibitor’ shall be understood to refer to anyone with a trade stand, exhibition, demonstration, workshop or display at the Wealden Times Fairs; ‘Organisers’ shall be understood to refer to Priceless Events Ltd and its employees and agents. The ‘site’ refers to Hole Park owned and managed by Edward Barham or Midwinter Fair venue. ‘Fair Stand Area’ refers to the area of the Site where the Event marquees are positioned.


Exhibitors – Subject to Rules.

All exhibitors and their staff entering the site will be subject to the Orders, Rules and Regulations of Hole Park / Midwinter Fair venue and of the Stewards, Officials and Organisers. The Organisers and Owner are empowered to order out of the Site any exhibitor infringing the Regulations or who has obtained entry under false representation. Any exhibitor who does not comply with the orders of the Organisers and Owners will be expelled from the Site.


Application for Space & Payment Terms.

Applications must be made on the appropriate booking form which must be signed by the Exhibitor or his/her representative, such signature being an acceptance of these regulations. To complete the booking of the stand, a non-refundable £90 admin fee must be paid through the online booking form, per event. Once your application has been accepted and confirmed the following payment plan must be adhered to. This will ensure that you can exhibit at the Midsummer and /or Midwinter Fair 2024.


A non-refundable deposit of 50% made by cheque, credit/debit card or BACS, payable to Priceless Events Ltd, must be paid by:


for the Midsummer Fair: 17th January 2024 and the balance to be paid by 13th March 2024


for the Midwinter Fair: 26th June 2024 and the balance to be paid by 21st August 2024


All bookings must be made with a completed booking form; any Exhibitor without the required completed form shall not be permitted to exhibit. Space will not be reserved unless a booking form, admin fee and deposit have been received and acknowledged by Priceless Events Ltd. Any exhibitors cancelling their booking following the full balance deadlines will be required to pay in full.

If exhibitors have not paid the outstanding balance 6 weeks before the first day of the event the Organisers reserve the right to cancel their stand and hold any monies already received and pursue outstanding balances.

Traders who have not supplied an in-date at the time of the fair Public Liability Insurance policy and a full Risk Assessment form will not be permitted to exhibit. A new Risk Assessment form is due at each fair and at each venue.


The Organisers

Reserve the right to refuse any entry whatsoever, whether received prior to the closing date for entries or not, and also reserve the right to cancel any entry which may have been accepted, without any reason being given. The Organisers are unable to guarantee any level of attendance.


Description of Exhibits in the Wealden Times or on the Wealden Times website.

Each Exhibitor’s contact details and a description and high-res. jpeg image of their products or services as written on the application will be included on the Wealden Times Exhibitor Listing on our website. It is the responsibility of the Exhibitor to provide this information at the time of booking, if this is not provided by the Exhibitor the Organisers will take and use an image and wording from the Exhibitors website/social media pages and use this as a holding image. It is the Exhibitors responsibility to send through any amendments to the Organiser’s marketing team.


Trading Standards Regulations.

Exhibitors are reminded that they must comply with all relevant Trading Standards requirements.


Withdrawal or Cancellation of Space Reserved.

Where an exhibitor withdraws from the event or cancels a space reserved, for any reason including that of adverse weather, depending on the date cancelled they will still be liable for the stand cost. Please see timetable below outlining timeline. Organisers shall not be bound by any request from the Exhibitor to cancel the stand unless such request is in writing and receipt of the cancellation is confirmed by the Organisers. See below timeline outlining payment and cancellation terms. The Exhibitor acknowledges that these charges represent a genuine pre-estimate of the Organisers losses:


Midsummer Fair 2024  Date cancelled  Amount retained of total stand cost 
  Before 17.01.24  0% of total cost  
22 weeks prior  17.01.2024  DEPOSIT DUE 
  Between 17.01.24 and 12.03.24 inclusive  50% of total cost 
12 weeks prior  13.03.2024  FULL PAYMENT DUE 
  Between 13.03.24 and 09.04.24 inclusive  75% of total cost  
8 weeks prior  From 10.04.24  100% of total cost 


Midwinter Fair 2024  Date cancelled  Amount retained of total stand cost 
  Before 26.06.2024  0% of total cost  
22 weeks prior  26.06.2024  DEPOSIT DUE 
  Between 26.06.24 and 20.08.24 inclusive  50% of total cost 
12 weeks prior  21.08.2024  FULL PAYMENT DUE 
  Between 21.08.24 and 17.09.24 inclusive  75% of total cost  
8 weeks prior  From 18.09.24  100% of total cost 


Please be aware that regardless of whether the payment has been made, we will still pursue for any outstanding balances.


Allocation of Space.

If an Exhibitor has a specific position or site they would prefer, have products over 2.2m tall or would like to or would not like to be placed alongside another Exhibitor, they should use the additional information section on the booking form to notify the Organisers. All requests must be made on the form and not by email or verbal request. Please note that the Organisers cannot guarantee to accommodate any specific position requests. The allocation of sites and positioning of trade stand space, including that of inside and outside space, shall entirely be at the discretion of the Organisers, although every endeavour will be made to meet the Exhibitor’s needs. The Organiser reserves the right to move any stand before or during the event if they feel it necessary. No exhibitor shall sub-let any portion of space allotted to him/her or move to any other site other than that allocated to him/her. Exhibitors should be aware that all fire exits are used as access points by other Exhibitors to load and restock their stands throughout the event and will be in constant use. Exhibitors with stands in the Avenue are not permitted to build walls either side of their stand as this restricts the view, these are still permitted within the main marquees.


Exhibits MUST be confined to the space allocated and paid for.

All Exhibitors are required to inform the Organisers, at time of booking, of all products that they will be selling or promoting on their stand. The Organisers reserve the right to order the removal of any product at their discretion without prior notice. Exhibitors are required to only sell/display stock within the confines of the stand they have been allocated and paid for (2m deep within the marquees). Any products not within the confines of the stand will be removed by Organisers for Health & Safety reasons.


Times of Opening.

All trade stands must be open and staffed throughout the time the event is open to the public, which is 9am until 5pm for the Midsummer Fair and 9am until 4:30pm for the Midwinter Fair.


USE OF STANDS Stand Preparation, Admission, Delivery and Removal of Exhibits.

Exhibitors are requested to set up their stands by no later than 6pm on Wednesday 5th June 2024 for Wealden Times Midsummer Fair and 6pm on Wednesday 13th November 2024 for Wealden Times Midwinter Fair. Exhibitors with any large machinery/livestock should talk through access needs with the Organisers when making the application. The Organiser reserves the right to remove any Exhibitor before or during the event if they feel it necessary and no refunds or monies already received will be given. Exhibitors must wear high visibility jackets and face masks throughout the build-up & breakdown of the events as there is vehicle movement and the site are considered a building site until it is opened to visitors on Thursday at 9am and once the show is closed on Saturday at the Midsummer and Midwinter Fairs. Children and Dogs are not permitted during the build-up & breakdown of the events for Health and Safety reasons and will be removed from the site immediately. Goods and packages cannot be received by the Organisers or Hole Park /Midwinter Fair venue and should not be sent to the site unless there is a representative to receive them, this is for security reasons. No part of any stand may be closed/dismantled until after the last visitor has left the site. Any exhibitors seen to be packing up their stands early will not be permitted to exhibit at future events. Vehicles for the removal of stands will not be allowed access until this point. All exhibits and stands must be cleared from site by 8pm on the day of break down. Stewards are provided by the Organisers to help and assist exhibitors when unloading or loading stock, however this is at the exhibitors’ risk. If a steward should drop or break something belonging to an exhibitor, this is still at the risk and responsibility of the exhibitor. The Organisers therefore take no responsibility for any damages caused by stewards to exhibitors belongings or stock.


Exhibitor Passes.

These will be sent to you electronically in advance of the event.


Setting up stand and restocking during Fair period.

Vehicles can gain access to certain areas of the site for the purpose of stand set up and dismantle. The Organisers and Car Parking attendants will confirm each morning on arrival where best to park/unload. Please be aware that access to certain areas could change year on year due to weather and other site restrictions. As aforementioned, set up will take place from 9am – 6pm Wednesday 5th June 2024 for Wealden Times Midsummer Fair and from 9am – 6pm Wednesday 13th November 2024 for Wealden Times Midwinter Fair. Exhibitors can restock their stands before and after the show every day. Please note there will be no exhibitor access to the site allowed before 9am on set up days unless pre agreed with Organisers, this is for Health and Safety reasons. Any vehicles parked in restricted areas for loading/unloading will need to be moved by 8.45am in the morning before the show opens.


Protests, Demonstrations, Deputations and Delegations are strictly prohibited.


Placing of Exhibits.

Exhibitors are required not to place exhibits, boards or placards of any description beyond the limits of the space allotted to them or in such a way that either obscures either the event signs or an adjacent stand. Any exhibitor wishing to build a shell scheme should contact the Organisers to discuss in advance. Any Site furniture must be left in place. Any articles placed in contravention of this rule will be removed. Exhibitors are not permitted to touch, remove, untie or attach any lighting/rigging to the marquee structure without prior approval from Organisers, anything attached without approval will be removed.


Wealden Times Midsummer and Midwinter Fairs are countryside events, taking place within marquees. The Organisers take every possible measure to ensure the smooth running of the event but cannot be held responsible for weather conditions and their possible repercussions. Midsummer 2024 has Avenue marquees that do not have raised floors. This means the floor is liable to be wet if the weather is poor. Please ensure you raise your stock and display units to avoid damage. Midwinter 2024 – The heating is left on at a low level overnight for show open days to reduce condensation at the Midwinter Fair, but there could be leakages within the marquees and Exhibitors are responsible for covering their stands overnight to protect any stock.


Advertising banners/flags or additional signage.

Advertising within the space booked and paid for by the Exhibitor are permitted but are strictly prohibited elsewhere.




Exhibitors are required to keep their stands and the portions of the avenues and alleys immediately adjoining their stands clean at all times during the event. Exhibitors are required to take all litter including cardboard boxes with them when leaving the Site, any litter left on their stand will be taken away at an additional charge to the Exhibitor.



The Organisers/Owner will not be responsible for the safe keeping of any article exhibited but will require Exhibitors to take charge of their own property. Security will be provided overnight but this does not guarantee safety of goods.



Anyone providing an electrical apparatus for use at the Event should, before its connection to the supply, arrange for its inspection and testing by a competent electrician and documentation should show the test date and the name of the person carrying out the test. All equipment should be connected to the supply through a residual current device or circuit breaker. All cables and connections, where not protected by weather proof structure, shall be of such construction – or as necessary protected – as to prevent, as far as is reasonably practical, danger arising from such exposure. Electrical connections will only be made to installations that comply with the current IEE Regulations for the electrical Equipment of Buildings. Failure to comply with these regulations may lead to the disconnection of the supply until the installations complies. Permitting the connection of consumers wiring to its distribution system, the Organisers/Hole Park/ The Midwinter Fair venue does not accept responsibility for the Exhibitor’s installation, in any respect. The electricity prices on the booking forms are correct at the time of print; however, additional charges may occur in line with any rise in fuel prices. You will be notified of any changes prior to the event.



No generators whatsoever are permitted in Wealden Times Fairs in any areas. All electricity generation must be provided by the contractor specified by Priceless Events Ltd.


Petrol, Spirits and Flammable Liquids.

Petrol, Spirits and Flammable Liquids are not permitted as part of the Wealden Times Midsummer or Midwinter Fair area.



The Organisers will not be responsible for any accidents, fatal or otherwise, that may rise from an Exhibitor booking a trade stand or exhibition area at the event. It is a condition of entry that each Exhibitor shall hold the Organisers blameless and indemnify it against any legal proceedings arising from such accident. This rule will also apply to any contractor or sub-contractor employed on the Site. Exhibitors must report any accident, however small, to Priceless Events Ltd at the earliest convenience.



Livestock will only be permitted by permission of the Organisers/Hole Park/ The Midwinter Fair venue.



Dogs on leads are permitted at Wealden Times Midsummer Fair with exception of food areas and inside marquees. Owners are responsible for cleaning up any mess and the dogs must be kept on a lead at all times.
With the exception of Guide Dogs, they are not permitted at the Midwinter Fair.


External Trading and Distribution of Handbills.

This is strictly forbidden on the Site premises other than on the Exhibitor’s paid for trade stand space. This regulation includes such areas as approach roads and lay-bys.



It shall be a condition of entry to the Site that no person shall apply for trade as a snapshot photographer or solicit trade with visitors to the Site in any other capacity deemed by the Organisers to be annoyance. Anyone who infringes this regulation may be expelled from the Site without recompense. Video recorders used with the view to the sale of videotapes will not be allowed. Photographs of traders’ stands may be taken by the media and by photographers booked by Priceless Events Ltd. Acceptance of the Priceless Events Terms and Conditions means that these photos may be used, without charge, for press/promotions relating to the Wealden Times Midsummer Fair/Midwinter Fair/the Organisers/Hole Park/ The Midwinter Fair venue in promotional material/reports etc.


Catapults, Crossbows, Knives and similar.

Catapults, crossbows, knives and similar will not be permitted for sale to persons under the age of 18 years. The use of these items is strictly prohibited at the event. Exhibitors of any such item must be conversant with the Offensive Weapons Act 1996.


Raffle Tickets.

Raffle tickets may only be sold with the prior consent of the Organisers and strictly within the stand space confines. The organisation or society selling the raffle tickets must be registered under the Lotteries and Amusements Act 1976 with the Local Authority in whose area the office or Head Office of the society is situated, provided that the society does not put on sale tickets or chances valued at more than £20,000.00 for any lottery and provided that it does not put on sales tickets and chances which, when added to those sold or to be sold in all lotteries in the same calendar year, amounts to over £25,000.00. If a society wishes to run lotteries which will exceed the amounts mentioned above, then application for registration under the lotteries and Amusements Act 1976 must be made to the Gaming board of Great Britain. Written consent must be displayed on the trade stand. Games of Chance etc will also need written consents to be displayed on the trade stand.



The sale of real fur in fashion is not permitted at Wealden Times Midsummer Fair or Midwinter Fair, any person found to be contravening this regulation will be evicted from the Site.


Moving Machinery.

The demonstration of moving machinery is strictly forbidden without the prior consent in writing of the Organisers. Cycles, Motorcycles, Motor Trikes and Site Bikes are not to be ridden on the Site.



The use of private radio transmitters is strictly forbidden.


Traders not booked.

Traders who have not booked and paid for a site and who arrive at the Site will on no account be allowed to set up and trade. Any person found to be contravening this regulation will be evicted from the Site.


Traders who have not supplied an in-date Public Liability Insurance policy and full Risk Assessment form will not be permitted to set-up.


Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGV)

Please be sure to notify the Organisers at the time of booking if you will be bringing in a Heavy Vehicle as special arrangements will need to be made. NO HGV will be permitted access without prior consent.


SAFETY REQUIREMENTS: Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 Safety Policy Statement

Special attention is directed to the safety requirements outlined in the regulations governing the allocation of space for machinery and other stands. The ruling of the stewards and Organisers on the safety of any exhibit or part of an exhibit shall be immediate and final; but consent to the working of an exhibit shall not relieve any Exhibitor of liability as laid down in the regulations. The Organisers hold the Exhibitors wholly responsible for the observance of statutory regulations governing the safety of machinery exhibited by them. Machines and appliances are accepted for the adjudication on the understanding that they comply with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the regulations that come under it.


Show Stand Safety All pesticides are prohibited. Any substances that may be hazardous to health should be notified to the Organisers and may be prohibited or subject to further regulations. All temporary structures, information boards, fences, flagpoles etc are to be safe for their intended purpose and comply with relevant codes of practice.


Gazebos If Exhibitors are planning to erect their own temporary structure, such as a gazebo it is the Exhibitors responsibility to ensure; They have informed the Organisers that they are bringing a Gazebo. They complete a suitable and sufficient risk assessment. They only use structures that will withstand a minimum of 100kph windspeed. They only use the structures within the manufacturer’s guidelines. They ensure sufficient anchoring or ballast is used to ensure the structure will withstand at least 100kph winds. They monitor the weather forecast and conditions and dismantle their structure should wind speeds be forecast that exceed the manufacturers guidelines. Any guy lines or anchorage is suitably protected so as not to cause a hazard to staff and visitors. All structures are inherently fire retardant to a minimum of Class 1. They take full responsibility for the safety of such a structure and indemnify the Organisers and their agents against any claim, loss, injury or damage claim arising from the use of such structures.


Candles & Open Flames.

The lighting of candles or open flames is strictly forbidden for all Exhibitors (including food retailers and caterers). The Organisers reserve the right to evict any Exhibitor found to be contravening this regulation and no refunds or monies already received will be given.


Responsibility of Exhibitors

The Organisers will not be responsible in any way for any article, plant, machinery, or object of any kind exhibited on the Site. The Exhibitor shall assume full responsibility therefore including liability for all claims arising out of the exhibition, handling or housing of such exhibits and the conduct of the stand generally. The Exhibitor shall indemnify the Organisers against all claims, damages, or expenses whatsoever in any way arising out of the presence of the Exhibitor or his exhibits on the Site. Acceptance of the foregoing provisions shall be a condition of entry.


Caterers Risk Assessment

All exhibitors who intend to sell food or drink products must provide the following:_ A copy of your risk assessment, please make sure this includes details of the hand washing facilities. (Required by all exhibitors) A copy of your HACCP document. (Required if you are a catering exhibitor, serving food.) You should also have this with you onsite during the fair. A copy of your public liability insurance. (Required by all exhibitors) Any catering exhibitor using gas must supply a valid at the time of the Fair gas safety certificate prior to start of Fair. A copy should be sent to our office and you should have a copy with you at the time of the Fair. _ A list of equipment including any LPG equipment that you may be using. Any exhibitor who does not provide us with the above will not be allowed access to the Site. Please be aware that at some point one of the Organisers may require a sample of the food being served for quality control purposes.



Exhibitors must take out insurance not only as regards their own property but also against third party claims – e.g. public liability insurance. Exhibitors are advised to insure against cancellation for whatever reason by the Owner/Organisers and any health issues the Exhibitor may contract leaving them unable to exhibit and attend the event.


Risk Assessment Forms

A full and complete Risk Assessment form must be returned with your booking form, signed and dated. This is a requirement of all exhibitors and must be sent to the Organisers prior to the Fair.


Public Liability Insurance.

Exhibitors must declare and show the Organisers, in written form, a copy of their in-date at the time of the Fair

Public Liability Insurance policy covering them for a minimum of £5million. This is a requirement of all exhibitors and must be sent to the Organisers prior to the Fair.

All exhibitor’s Risk Assessments and Public Liability Insurance policies are checked by an external Health and Safety Manager prior to the event. Unless the above two documents are in the possession of the Wealden Times the Health and Safety Manager will not permit you to set- up as it negates our insurance and puts us in jeopardy with the local council office. Please send these documents at the time of booking in order to avoid disappointment – we do not have the manpower to send reminders.


Disclaimer of Liability

The Organisers/Owner will not be responsible for the death, injury, disease, or loss caused to any Exhibitor or to his or her servant or agent, or to any animal, insect or thing of whatever nature, exhibited by the said Exhibitor, regardless of the cause of death, injury, disease or loss arising. The Exhibitor of any animal, insect or thing of any nature whatever will indemnify the Organisers/Owner for any damage, loss, injury or disease occasioned by the said Exhibitor, his servant or agent, or by the said animal, insect, or thing, however such damage, loss, injury or disease shall be caused.



In the event of the Wealden Times Midsummer Fair 2024 or Midwinter Fair 2024 having to be cancelled for weather related events or events outside of the Organisers control no refunds or monies already received will be given and any outstanding balances will be pursued.  

In the event of the Wealden Times Midsummer Fair 2024 or Midwinter Fair 2024 having to be cancelled as a direct result of the fault of the Organiser (which for the avoidance of doubt does not include weather related events or events outside of the Organisers control), payments received from the Exhibitor shall be applied towards an application for space at a rescheduled event within 3 months of the intended date of the event. Should the event not be rescheduled, the Organiser shall refund the amounts paid by the Exhibitor (less the non-refundable deposit).